Biology Nutrition Human Test on animal Nutrition 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? BiologyIGCSEEdexcel Created by: Bradley CravenCreated on: 23-04-13 11:37 What is the test for glucose? (using benedicts solution) Heat it with 10 drops of benedicts solution. should go from blue to green to yellow to orange to red. 1 of 10 What is a lipid? Fat droplets 2 of 10 What is the name of the enzyme that breaks down starch in the mouth? Amylase 3 of 10 How do you calculate the amount of energy in joules from food? Energy = mass of water * heat change * 4.2 4 of 10 What is the enzyme that breaks down fats? Lipase 5 of 10 what is the movement through the gut called? peristalsis 6 of 10 what enzymes does the pancreas secrete? (Three) Protease, Lipase, Amylase 7 of 10 what breaks down maltos? Maltase 8 of 10 What does bile do? Neutralises thestomach acid and emolsifies fat droplets 9 of 10 what is the main part of villus? Lacteal 10 of 10
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