Biology 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ScienceBiologyGCSEAQA Created by: vanessaCreated on: 16-12-12 18:04 3 parts that plants cells have but animal cells don't Cell wall, Permanent Vacuole, Chloroplasts 1 of 7 A cell with no Neucleus Bacterial Cell 2 of 7 The spreding out of particles form an area of High Concentration to an area of Low Concentration Diffusion 3 of 7 This cell is adapted to carry Oxygon Red Blood Cells 4 of 7 This is organised into Organs Tissues 5 of 7 This is what Photosynthesis uese to make Glucose Sunlight 6 of 7 what we use to study the distribution of small organisms A Aquadrats 7 of 7
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