Internal/External Fertilisation,Homeotherm(Controls Own Body Temp)/Pokilotherm(Body Temp Varies with the Enviromental Temp)Viviparous(Live Birth)/Oviparous(Lay Eggs),How They Get Oxygen(E.G. Gills)
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Define "Species"
A species is a group of organims that can breed with each other to produce fertile offspring.
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Define "Gene"
A gene is a short piece of DNA at a particular point on a chromosome a gene codes for a characteristic.
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Theremoregulation keeps our core body temperature at 37 degrees. This is important because enzymes in the main organs are most active at this temperature.
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Osmoregulation controls how much water is lost in urine, and so controls the amount of water in the body.
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The Human Nervous System Includes....
Central nervous system,brain and the spinal cord.Also the sense organs e.g.eyes which detect a stimulus e.g. enviromental change.
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3 Types Of Neurones In Order
Sensory neurones carry impulses to the central neruous system,Motor neurones carry impulses from the CNS to effector organs the Relay neurones are found only in the CNS.
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What Is A Synapse?
A synapse is where two neurones meet.
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Type 1 is where you dont produce insulin in the pancreas, Type 2 diabetes is when the muscle cells dont respond to the insulin this can be lost by eating less foods that contain sugar and exercising.
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Internal/External Fertilisation,Homeotherm(Controls Own Body Temp)/Pokilotherm(Body Temp Varies with the Enviromental Temp)Viviparous(Live Birth)/Oviparous(Lay Eggs),How They Get Oxygen(E.G. Gills)
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