biology cloning and key words 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? BiologyGCSEAQA Created by: Charlotte EllisCreated on: 10-12-12 15:23 asexual reproduction reproduction that includes only one parent. There is no joining gametes and the offspring are gentically identical to the parent 1 of 5 embryo cloning splitting cells apart from a developing embryo, before they become speciallised to produce serveral identical embryos 2 of 5 cuttings taking a small piece of stem or leaf and growing it in the right conditions to produce a new plant 3 of 5 tissue cloning getting a few cells from a desirable plant to moke a big mass of identical cells each of which can produce a tiny identical plant 4 of 5 clone off spring produced by asexual reproduction which are identical to their parent organism 5 of 5
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