Biology 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? BiologyGCSEAQA Created by: ErinCreated on: 20-04-13 16:57 What prevents back-flow of blood in veins valves 1 of 11 What increases the surface area of the small intestine? villi 2 of 11 Which tube takes water up in plants? xylem 3 of 11 What is the hole down the middle called in arteries and veins? lumen 4 of 11 What is the optimum core body temperature? thirty seven 5 of 11 What is the name for a variety of different species in a habitat? biodiversity 6 of 11 What type of machine can treat kidney failure? dialysis 7 of 11 Which cells have no nucleus and carry haemoglobin? red blood cells 8 of 11 When there is too little glucose what hormone is secreted? glucagon 9 of 11 What process can produce Ethanol or Biogas? anaerobic fermentation 10 of 11 Which drug suppresses the immune system for a transplant? immunosuppressant 11 of 11
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