It contains genetic material and controls the functions of the cell
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What is the function of Cytoplasm?
Where chemical reactions and functions take place and is controlled by enzymes
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What is the function of the Cell Membrane?
Controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell
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What is the function of Mitochondria?
Most energy is released from respiration here
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What is the function of Ribosomes?
Protein Synthesis
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What are the organelles only in plant cells?
Cell Wall, Chloroplasts, Permanent Vacuole
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What is the function of a Cell Wall?
Provides rigidity and structure in the cell
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What is the function of a Chloroplast?
Contains chlorophyll which absorbs light energy for photosynthesis
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What is the function of a Permanent Vacuole?
Filled with cell sap to keep the cell turgid.
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What are some features of Bacterial Cells?
There are single celled organisms, have a cell membrane-cytoplasm-cell wall and do not have genetic material in the nucleus
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What are some features of Yeast Cells?
They are single celled organisms, have a cell membrane-cytoplasm-cell wall and do not have a nucleus.
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What is the function of Leaf Cells?
They are packed with chloroplasts (and chlorophyll) to absorb light energy for photosynthesis
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What is the function of a Root Hair Cell?
They are long and 'finger-like' with very thin wall, which gives a large surface area to absorb mineral ions and water efficiently.
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What is the function of a Sperm Cell?
The head contains genetic information and enzymes to help penetrate the egg cell membrane. The middle section is packed with mitochondria for energy. The tail moves the sperm to the egg to fertilise it.
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What is the function of a Red Blood Cell?
Thin outer membrane to let oxygen diffuse through easily. The concave shape increases the surface area to allow more oxygen to be absorbed efficiently. No nucleus, so the whole cell is full of haemoglobin to carry oxygen through the bloodstream
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What is Diffusion?
When particles move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a partially permeable membrane.
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What is the diffusion process in the Gut and the Lungs?
GUT- digested food products move from the gut cavity to blood capillaries or villus. LUNGS- oxygen moves from alveolar air space to blood circulating around the lungs
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What is a concentration gradient?
The difference in concentration between two areas next to each other
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the function of a Nucleus?
It contains genetic material and controls the functions of the cell
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