Biology GCSE LL 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyThe whole of AQA biologyGCSEAQA Created by: Chloe.xo22Created on: 19-08-21 18:27 what is the word name for C6H1206 glucose 1 of 16 where does photosynthesis occur Chloroplasts 2 of 16 what does amylase break down starch 3 of 16 where is bile made liver 4 of 16 which blood vessels have thick muscular walls arteries 5 of 16 what blood vessel has the largest lumen and valves veins 6 of 16 an organism that can live in very extreme environments extremophile 7 of 16 the ability of an organism to maintain it's internal environment, despite changes to it's internal or external environment homeostasis 8 of 16 what names is given to the condition when your body temp falls below 35C hypothermia 9 of 16 what gland produces thyroxine thyroid 10 of 16 microorganisms that cause disease pathogens 11 of 16 one way your white blood cells defend against pathogens antibodies 12 of 16 drug that comes from willow trees aspirin 13 of 16 contains genetic material that controls the activities of the cell nucleus 14 of 16 holds together the cell cell membrane 15 of 16 contains cell sap vacuole 16 of 16
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