Biology-GCSE 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyCells, tissues and organsGCSEAQA Created by: TTaniCreated on: 14-04-18 13:45 B1- what type of cells are a eukaryotic cell Complex, animal and plant cell 1 of 18 what type of cells are a prokaryotic cell? Simple, bacteria cell 2 of 18 what parts are in a plant cell that are not in an animal cell? Cell wall, vacuole, chloroplasts 3 of 18 what is the difference between light and electron microscopes? Light- used to look at cells. Electron- show things in more detail 4 of 18 How can you work out magnification? Magnification= image size divided by real size 5 of 18 The process by which cells become specialised? Differentiation 6 of 18 what are undifferentiated cells called? Stem cells 7 of 18 one example of specialised cells Sperm cells take the male DNA to the egg- has tail which helps them swim 8 of 18 what are chromosmes? DNA molecules, control development of different characteristics e.g. eye colour 9 of 18 How many pairs of chromosomes is there? 23 pairs 10 of 18 what is mitosis? It is used by multicellular organisms, to help grow and develop 11 of 18 Stem cells found in human embyos are called? Embryonic stem cells 12 of 18 what do embryonic stem cells do? Can be used to replace faulty cells in sick people 13 of 18 what is diffusion? Spreading of particles from a high to low concentration 14 of 18 How does the surface area of a membrane affect the rate of diffusion? The larger the surface area the faster the rate of diffusion 15 of 18 what is osmosis? The movement of water molecules across a partially permeable membrane from a less concentrated to a more concentrated solution 16 of 18 What is active transport? Substances absorbed are moved from a low to high concentration against the concentration gradient 17 of 18 How does active transport help root hair cells take in minerals? Allows the plant to absorb minerals from a very dilute solution in the soil 18 of 18
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