biology flashcards for DNA and genetic diversity 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyDNA, genetics and evolutionASAQA Created by: Joseph FurnivalCreated on: 25-03-18 16:18 what is the dna like in eukaryotic cells In the nucleus, associated withg histones, histones make it into chromosomes. 1 of 35 what is the DNA like in a prokaryotic cell short and circular and not associated with protens 2 of 35 what is a gene A section of DNA bases which code for amino acids 3 of 35 what is the locus The location of a specific gene on a chromosome 4 of 35 What is a triplet code 3 consecutive amino acid bases that code for 1 amino acid 5 of 35 what are introns non coding dna 6 of 35 what are exons coding regions 7 of 35 what is the first step of transcription DNA unzips DNA helicase 8 of 35 what is the second step of transcription RNA bases pair with exposed bases 9 of 35 what is the third step of transcription Rna polymerase forms covalent bonds between the nucleotides 10 of 35 what is the fourth step of transcription mRNA strand is formed and breaks away from the DNA which rezips itself up 11 of 35 what is the fifth step of transcription mRNA migrates out of nuclear pores 12 of 35 what is the first step of translation mRNA attaches to ribosomes on the rough endoplasmic reticulum 13 of 35 what is the second step of translation tRNA carries amino acid on the mRNA 14 of 35 what is the third step of translation The anti codon is a triplet of bases that form part of the tRNA molecule so the correct amino acid attaches to the polypeptide chain 15 of 35 what is the fourth step of translation Amino acid attaches to ribosome 16 of 35 what is the fifth step of translation amino acids join together by peptide bonds 17 of 35 what is the sixth step of translation process repeated until stop codon reached 18 of 35 what happens to introns in eukaryotic transcription DNA first copied to pre mRNA, pre mRNA is then spliced and introns are then removed 19 of 35 what is a substitution mutation Where a nucleotide base is replaced by another one 20 of 35 what is an insertion mutation extra nucleotides are put in the sequence so all bases shifted down 1 place 21 of 35 what is a deletion mutation absence of a nucleotide causing a frameshift 22 of 35 what does a neutral effect mean when a mutation occurs may not affect the function as the primary structure may not have changed 23 of 35 what does a harmful mutation do may change the final shape of a protein 24 of 35 what does a beneficial mutation do change the final shape and be an advantage 25 of 35 what are point mutations mutations that affect one nucleotide base 26 of 35 what is a silent mutation no change in the amino acid sequence 27 of 35 what is a nonsence mutation mutates to stop a codon early 28 of 35 what is chromosomal non disjunction one pair of chromosomes fails to separate, zygote has an extra chromosome 29 of 35 what ahppens in prophase 2 of meiosis chromosomes pair up, centromeres divide in 2 nuclear membranes break down 30 of 35 what happens in metaphase 2 of meiosis Chromosomes replicate, spindles form 31 of 35 What happens in anaphase 2 sister chromatids pull apart, centromere split 32 of 35 what happens in telophase 2 spindle breaks and nuclear envelope form 33 of 35 what happens in cytokinesis 2 4 genetically different daughter cells made 34 of 35 random fertilisation does what increase genetic diversity, 35 of 35
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