Biology B3 1.4 Exchanging materials - the lungs. 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyExchange of materialsGCSEAQA Created by: Atlanta and JacobCreated on: 19-03-16 22:23 What do large organisms need to exchange materials? Exchange surfaces. 1 of 13 What do exchange surfaces have to make them more efficient? Specific features. 2 of 13 How are the lungs an efficient exchange surface? They have alveoli which are adapted so that gas exchange can take place as efficiently as possible in the lungs. 3 of 13 What do large, complex organisms have to obtain all the food and oxygen they need? Special exchange surfaces. 4 of 13 What is absorbed by the intestine? Soluble food materials (solutes). 5 of 13 What is absorbed by the lungs? Oxygen and carbon dioxide is removed from them. 6 of 13 What are the features of efficient exchange surfaces? Large surface area, thin walls or a short diffusion path, and an efficient transport system (the blood supply in animals). 7 of 13 What exchange surface do the lungs contain? The gaseous exchange surface. 8 of 13 What feature does the surface area of the lungs have? The surface area of the lungs is increased by the alveoli (air sacs). 9 of 13 What makes the alveoli an efficient exchange surface? The alveoli have thin walls, a large surface area and a good blood supply. 10 of 13 Why are the lungs ventilated? To maintain a steep diffusion gradient. 11 of 13 What happens to oxygen and carbon dioxide in the lungs? Oxygen diffuses into the many capillaries surrounding the alveoli and carbon dioxide diffuses back out into the lungs to be breathed out. 12 of 13 Which structure increase the surface area of the lungs? Alveoli. 13 of 13
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