Biology B2
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- Created by: twilkinson
- Created on: 03-06-17 14:19
Where is genetic material located in the cell?
In the nucleus
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Define the term gene
The part of the chromosome that controls characteristics such as eye colour and hair colour
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Where do we find genes in the nucleus?
In the chromosomes
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How many chromosomes are there in an egg or sperm cell?
23 in each one
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How many chromosomes are there in a normal adult cell? Why?
46, because you get 23 from the egg cell and 23 from the sperm cell. This is why you have some of your fathers characteristics and some of your mothers
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What happens to the nuclei of egg and sperm cells during fertilization?
Enzymes in the sperms 'head' break down the outside of the egg, and allow the two nuclei to join together and fuse into one
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What is a zygote?
a diploid cell resulting from the fusion of an egg and sperm cell
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Why are chromosomes arranged in pairs?
Because one is from each parent
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What is the maximum and minimum time for the cell cycle to take place in a eukaryote?
The cell cycle can take anytime around 24 hours
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What happens to the length of the cell cycle as we age?
It gets longer. When we are young, cell loss < cell replacement, when we are adult, cell loss = cell replacement, and when we are elderly, cell loss > cell replacement
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How many stages are there to the cell cycle? Which is the longest?
There are 3 stages of the cell cycle. The longest is stage one, or the growth stage
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Which stage is known as mitosis?
The second stage of the cell cycle is known as mitosis
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Describe what happens to cells and their chromosomes during stage 1, 2 and 3 of the cell cycle
photocopy test answer
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Why is cell division/mitosis so important to plants and animals?
Because it replaces the cells that have already been used and are not working as well anymore. They replace the old cells so our body can keep working as well as it should
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What is differentiation?
When a less specialized cell becomes more specialized
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What is a stem cell?
a cell from the embryo. When the embryo first develops, all the cells in it are stem cells, which is undifferentiated and can become any cell
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What does pluripotent mean?
pluripotent means the cell can become one of a number of cells
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What does multipotent mean?
Multipotent cells can turn into more than one type of cell, but are more limited in what they can become than pluripotent cells
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How does differentiation occur in animals?
As the embryo develops, almost all the stem cells will differentiate and become specialized to a function. This is controlled by gene switching
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Describe three things that can happen when a cell in an animal dies
Cells that die are replaced by the process of cell division. Some cells (e.g. red blood cells) cannot divide so adult stem cells replace them, but some cells cannot be replaced by adult stem cells, such as the brain
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Describe how differentiation occurs in plants
Plant cells differentiate through their lives. Undifferentiated cells are made at active regions of stems and roots. These are called meristems. In these regions mitosis takes place constantly and stem cells only differentiate when they
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Why is it easier to clone a plant than an animal?
It is easier to clone a plant than an animal because all of their cells will adapt to become a new plant, whereas only some of the cells in a human body will
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How are stem cells useful in medicine, horticulture and agriculture?
In medicine, stem cells can be used to help treat illnesses like leukemia through bone marrow transplants, and immune disorders. They are useful in agriculture because you can make certain plants immune from different diseases, and they are useful in
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What is the difference between an embryonic stem cell and an adult stem cell?
and embryonic stem cell is a cell that can differentiate into any cell in the body, whereas a stem cell may only differentiate into a few cells
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How are embryonic and adult stem cells used in medicine?
embryonic stem cells can be used to treat things such as spinal injuries and injuries that involve very specialized cells (such as brain cells) and stem cells can be used to treat leukemia and bone marrow transfusions
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What is therapeutic cloning? What are the arguments for and against it?
collecting stem cells from an adult to create a cloned early embryo of themselves to use to treat the patient. Downsides are some bodies may reject the new cells, it is quite expensive and some may think it is unnatural
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Define the term gene
The part of the chromosome that controls characteristics such as eye colour and hair colour
Card 3
Where do we find genes in the nucleus?

Card 4
How many chromosomes are there in an egg or sperm cell?

Card 5
How many chromosomes are there in a normal adult cell? Why?

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