
  • Created by: tklmn
  • Created on: 23-04-20 11:11
gene mutations
change in the DNA base sequence of chromosomes, substitution - one base replaced with a different base, deletion - base is removed from normal DNA sequence
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mutagenic agent
uv, gamma, alpha, beta radiation
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genetic diversity
number of different alleles of genes in a population
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different versions of the same gene
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natural selection
Mutation, Variation, Adaptation, Survival, Reproduction, Frequency
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meiosis 1
chromosomes condense and arrange into homologous pairs in centre of cell, spindle fibres attach to chromosome at centromere, homologous pairs separate to opposite poles
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meiosis 2
spindle fibres attach to chromosomes at centromere, sister chromatids separate to opposite poles, 4 genetically different haploid gametes produced
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crossing over
chromosomes in each homologous pair ( a bivalent) twist around each other, chiasma may form - alleles break off and rejoin to chromatid on sister chromosome, alleles are exchanged - new combination of alleles
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two organisms that can breed to produce fertile offspring
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courtship behaviour
identify mate of the same species, capable and receptive of breeding,
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phylogenetic classification system
attempts to arrange species into group based on evolutionary origins and relationships
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smaller groups placed in larger groups with no overlap
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classification order
Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
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species richness
number of different species in a community
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index of diversity
describes relationship between species richness and number of individuals in each species
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evolutionary relationships between organisms
frequency of measurable characteristics, compare bases sequences of DNA, compare bases sequences of mRNA, compare amino acid sequences in the same protein
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number and variety of organisms in an area
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quantitative investigations
collecting data from large, random sample, calculating and interpreting mean and SD, identifying stats test, writing H0 and calculating a p value
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random sampling
avoids any bias
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standard deviation
the spread of the data about the mean
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stabilising selection
occurs in unchanging environment, selects against extreme phenotypes, mean mode median are unaltered, range and SD are reduced, eliminates capacity for evolutionary change
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directional selection
changing environment, favours extreme phenotypes, mean mode median increase or decrease, range and SD unaltered, leads to evolutionary change
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


uv, gamma, alpha, beta radiation


mutagenic agent

Card 3


number of different alleles of genes in a population


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


different versions of the same gene


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Mutation, Variation, Adaptation, Survival, Reproduction, Frequency


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