Photosynthesis is the process by which plants and other things make food. It is a chemical process that uses sunlight to turn carbon dioxide into sugars that the cell can use as energy.
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What is a eukaryotic cell?
A cell with a membrane bound nucleus that can be classed as an animal, plant and fungi.
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What is a prokaryotic cell?
A microorganism without a nucleus that is also called bacteria.
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What are the smallest blood vessels?
Capillaries, they are so small because they need to allow one blood cell to flow through it at a time.
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What does deoxygenated blood mean?
Deoxygenated blood, is blood from which most of the oxygen has already been transferred to the cells of the body through the arteries and capillaries.
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Card 2
A cell with a membrane bound nucleus that can be classed as an animal, plant and fungi.
What is a eukaryotic cell?
Card 3
A microorganism without a nucleus that is also called bacteria.
Card 4
Capillaries, they are so small because they need to allow one blood cell to flow through it at a time.
Card 5
Deoxygenated blood, is blood from which most of the oxygen has already been transferred to the cells of the body through the arteries and capillaries.
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