The condition inside our body must be very carefullly controlled if the body is function effectively
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body temperature
this is controlled to maintain the temperture at which the bodys enzymes work best which is usually 37
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blood sugar level
this is controlled to provide cells with a constant supply of glucose for is controlled by the release and storage of glucose ,which is in turn controlled by insuline
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water content
This is controlled to protect cells by stopping too much water from entering or leaving them. Water content is controlled by water loss
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if the level of something rises, control systems reduce it again
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Card 2
this is controlled to maintain the temperture at which the bodys enzymes work best which is usually 37
body temperature
Card 3
this is controlled to provide cells with a constant supply of glucose for is controlled by the release and storage of glucose ,which is in turn controlled by insuline
Card 4
This is controlled to protect cells by stopping too much water from entering or leaving them. Water content is controlled by water loss
Card 5
if the level of something rises, control systems reduce it again
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