resurfacing deserts, modifying plant albedo, foam on oceans, cloudy, stratospheric aerosols, mirrors, white paint
6 of 11
are schemes feasible
not really as dont know much about effects and often v expensive
7 of 11
national academy of sciences 2015
would take millennia for conc to reach pre Ind levels if stopped today, need reduction of 90%, schemes use clouds and aerosols are diff to control and model
8 of 11
rosenfeld et all 1997
use light colours for rooves and pavement
9 of 11
benford 1997
simplest way to remove co2 is to grow plants
10 of 11
royal society, 2009
safest and most predictable method of moderating cc is to reduce emissions
11 of 11
Other cards in this set
Card 2
characteristics of geoengineering solutions
must work (reduce co2), minimal side effects, keep up with higher GHG, cheaper than reducing emissions
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