biological diversity, it is the variety of all forms of life on earth
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define ecosystem
a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
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global factors affecting biodiversity
size of area, age and history, isolation, altitudinal range
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local factors affecting biodiversity
interaction between species, disturbance, colonisation
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define a biodiversity hotspot
an area containing a large number of species, a large percentage of which are endemic.
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facts about hotspots
They cover less than 2% of the earths surface but contain 44% of the worlds plant species and 15% of animal species
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ecosystem services / vales?
provisioning service, supporting services, regulating services and cultural services
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global threats to biodiversity
climate change - 1 degree temp increase will cause 10% of land species to face extinction, deforestation, population growth
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local threats
fire, recreational use, habitat change (developing countries) , deforestation - 300,000 hectares of amazon rainforest destroyed every year and pollution,
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strategies and policies for managing biodiversity
total protection, biosphere reserves, restoration and conservation
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future scenarios for biodiversity
global orchestration, order from strength, adapting mosaic, techno garden
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global key players
the RAMSAR convention - conserve wetlands, the world heritage convention
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local key players
indigenous people, local communities, conversationalists
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national key players
governments, NGOs, TNCs,
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
define ecosystem
a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
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