A specie is a group of similar organisms who can breed with each other to produce fertile offsping.
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How do you name a specie?
By using the binomial system.
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What is the binomial system split into?
The generic name which is the genus the specie belongs to and the specific name which is what the specie belongs to
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How are binomial names written?
If it's printed, you would use italics, if handwritten you would underline them. Generic is with a capital letter and specific is written with a lower case letter. If the specific is unknown then you write sp.
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What is courtship behaviour?
Where an animal attempts to attract the opposite gender
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How does courtship behaviour help achieve successful offspring?
- recognise members from their own specie, identify a mate able to breed, form a bond, synchronise mating.
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Why do males use courtship behaviour?
To determine whether the female is at a receptive stage.If she responds with the appropriate behaviour, courtship continues and offspring is likely to be produced.
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What is taxonomy?
Theory and practice of biological classification.
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What are the two forms of biological classification?
Artificial classification and phylogentic classification
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What is artificial classification?
Divides organisms according to their differences which are useful at the time eg. colour, shape - analogous characteristics
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What is phylogenetic classification?
Based on evolutionary relationships between organisms and their ancestors. It classifies species into groups using shared features from ancestors. Also, arranges the group into hierarchy
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What is the highest taxonomic rank?
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What is a taxon?
A group within the phylogenetic classification
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What are the 3 domains?
Archaea, bacteria and eukarya
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What features does bacteria have?
no membrane bound organelles, ribosomes are smaller (70s), unicellular, cell walls made of murein.
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What features does archaea have?
Different to bacteria as genes are similar to eukaryotes, no murein in cell walls,
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What features does eukarya have?
They have membrane bound organelles, membranes contains fatty acid chains, ribosomes are larger than bacteria and archaea (80s)
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What is biodiversity?
Describes variety in the world. Number and variety of living organisms in a particular area.
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What are the 3 types of biodiversity?
species, genetic and ecosystem diversity.
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How is species diversity measured?
It's measured using species richness.
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What is species richness?
The number of different species in a particular community at a specific time.
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What is the index of diversity?
quantitative measure that reflects how many different types there are in a set of data.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is a specie?
A specie is a group of similar organisms who can breed with each other to produce fertile offsping.
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