
  • Created by: Charece.x
  • Created on: 15-03-17 19:26
Name the ways that we can sample animals?
sweep nets, pooters, pitfall traps, tullgren funnels.
1 of 9
Name 2 factors that affect biodiversity.
human population (pollutants), agriculture (monoculture and selective breeding)
2 of 9
Name 2 factors that affect biodiversity.
Climate change (can create obstructions), Extinction (when the last living memeber of a species dies)
3 of 9
Name two ecological reasons to maintain biodiversity
Interindependence and genetic resource.
4 of 9
Name an economical reason to maintain biodiversity
discover of molecules with potential as medicines
5 of 9
what is conversation in situ
carrying out active management to maintain the biodiversity in the natural environment
6 of 9
name an advantage of in situ conservation
permanently protects biodiversity and representative examples of ecosystems
7 of 9
give and disadvantage of in situ conservation
area can become a honeypot to poachers and encounterists. this could cause disturbance
8 of 9
what is ex situ
conservation outside the normal habitat of the species
9 of 9

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Card 2


Name 2 factors that affect biodiversity.


human population (pollutants), agriculture (monoculture and selective breeding)

Card 3


Name 2 factors that affect biodiversity.


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Card 4


Name two ecological reasons to maintain biodiversity


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Card 5


Name an economical reason to maintain biodiversity


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