Encloses the cell and keeps it separate from it environment. it controls how substances enter and leave the cell. its in the animal cell and plant cell.
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Contains DNA arranged into chromosomes. it controls the actives of the cell.
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Jelly-like substance in which the organelles are held. Many chemical reactions take place in the cytoplasm. Its in both cells meaning animals and plants.
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Cell wall
Made of cellulose. The cell wall is very strong and prevents the cell from bursting and it gives the cell shape,its only in the plant cells
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Contains chlorophyll which absorbs light energy for photosynthesis.
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Contains cell sap and provides extra support for the cell. The vacuole can store nutrients and waste products.
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Is a large molecule made up of two strands that twist together to form a double helix. The two strands are linked together by chemicals called bases.-Adenine,Thymine.Guanine and Cytosine.
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In human cells the DNA is organised in to chromosomes,which are in the nucleus. We have 23 pairs of chromosomes in our body cells.
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If both alleles are the same for a particular gene you are that,which means the same,for the characteristic.
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If the two alleles for a particular gene are different you are heterozygous,which means different.
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Pedigree analysis
A pedigree is a family tree diagram.
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The Nervous system
It is made up of the brain and spinal cord together they are called the central nervous system. The peripheral nervous system (PNS) which is the nerves. Nerves contain two types of neurones (Nerve cells).
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The hormones involves are insulin and glucagon.
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When your blood glucose level rises the cells in your pancreas secrete the hormone,insulin and when it falls the cell in your pancreas secrete the hormone,glucagon.
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Increased sweating
Sweat glands release more sweat onto your skin. Heat from your body evaporates water in the sweat. which cools you down.
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Blood vessels in the skin dilate (widen) so more blood flows near the surface of your skin. The blood loses heat by radiation.
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Decreased sweating
Heat is not lost by evaporation.
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Muscles contract and expand very quickly. This shivering releases heat which warms you up.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Contains DNA arranged into chromosomes. it controls the actives of the cell.
Card 3
Jelly-like substance in which the organelles are held. Many chemical reactions take place in the cytoplasm. Its in both cells meaning animals and plants.
Card 4
Made of cellulose. The cell wall is very strong and prevents the cell from bursting and it gives the cell shape,its only in the plant cells
Card 5
Contains chlorophyll which absorbs light energy for photosynthesis.
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