Binary Number System 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ComputingFundamentals of Data RepresentationA2/A-levelAQA Created by: i_daleyCreated on: 07-06-18 19:44 Bit A single binary digit. 1 of 15 Byte A group of 8 bits used to represent a character. 2 of 15 Unit The grouping together of bits and bytes to form larger blocks of measurements. 3 of 15 Number Bases The number of digits available within a particular number system. 4 of 15 Unsigned Binary Binary that represents positive numbers only. 5 of 15 Two's Complement A method of working with signed binary values. 6 of 15 Fixed Point Where the binary point is fixed within a number. 7 of 15 Floating Point Where the binary point can move within a number. 8 of 15 Signed Binary Binary with a positive or negative sign. 9 of 15 Overflow When a number is too large to be represented with the number of bits allocated. 10 of 15 Underflow When a number is too small to be represented with the number of bits allocated. 11 of 15 Normalisation A process for adjusting numbers onto a common scale. 12 of 15 Precision How accurate a number is. 13 of 15 Mantissa The significant digits that makeup a number. 14 of 15 Exponent The 'power part' of a number indicating how far a binary point should be shifted left or right. 15 of 15
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