What was the ultimatum Khrushchev gave to Eisenhower and when?
In November 1958, there should be a peace treaty and American troops should leave Berlin by May or the USSR would sign a peace treaty with East Germany
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What happened when the May deadline for Khrushchev's ultimatum was exceeded?
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Why did Khrushchev come to America in September 1959?
To come to the Camp David talks - a sign of improved relations
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What did Ike and Khrushchev agree at Camp David?
To hold a Paris Summit in 1960 where Berlin would be discussed
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What prevented the Paris summit from happening?
In May 1960 an American U2 spy plane was shot down and so the summit failed
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What did the Berlin crisis show?
How the city continued to be a problem and central to the Cold War in Europe
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Card 2
What happened when the May deadline for Khrushchev's ultimatum was exceeded?
Card 3
Why did Khrushchev come to America in September 1959?
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