Beliefs in Society Keywords 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? SociologyReligion and beliefsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Hannah LevettCreated on: 03-06-14 13:15 Functional Definitions Attempting to explain the function of religion in society 1 of 27 Ideology A set of ideas that legitimate the power f a particular group 2 of 27 Profane Ordinary, nonreligious aspects of life 3 of 27 Sacred Regarded with awe and respect 4 of 27 Substantive definitions Attempting to explain what religion actually is 5 of 27 Totems Objects such as animals or plant that are believed to have supernatural powers 6 of 27 Anomie A state if confusion and normlessness 7 of 27 Civil religion Events or activities that involves ritualistic patterns and generate collective sentiments usually associated with established religions 8 of 27 Collective conscience Beliefs and values shared by members of society that are essential for social order 9 of 27 Totemism A primitive religion involving the worship or certain objects seen to have widespread influence over tribal life 10 of 27 Ascetic Self-denying 11 of 27 Fundamentalist religion Belief systems that argue that need to return to traditional values and practices. 12 of 27 Hegemony Dominance of the ruling class, manipulates beliefs causing the working class to believe that it is societal norm 13 of 27 Predestination The belief that an individuals' destiny is fixed before their birth 14 of 27 Religiosity The importance of religion in a person's life 15 of 27 Globalisation The process whereby social and economic activity spans many nations with little regard for national boarders 16 of 27 Meta-narritives 'grand' explanations provided by religion, politics and science 17 of 27 Monopoly of truth View that only the viewpoint of the holder can be accepted as true 18 of 27 Religious pluralism Where a variety of religions co-exists, all of which are considered to have equal validity. 19 of 27 Spiritual shoppers Postmodern idea that people consume religion in much the same way as any other product. 20 of 27 Holistic milieu Range of activities involving the mind, body and spirit 21 of 27 Resacrilisation Renewed interest and belief in religions ans therefore a religious revival 22 of 27 Disengagement Where religious institutions become less engaged with wider aspects of social life 23 of 27 Rationalisation Use of reason and science to replace spiritual and religious thinking 24 of 27 Religious Pluralism Where a variety of religious beliefs co-exists, all are considered to have equal validity 25 of 27 Secularisation The process in society where religious beliefs and practices lose their social significance 26 of 27 Vicarious religion Where a small number of clergy practise religion on behalf of a large number of people who experience it second hand 27 of 27
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