Beck's model of depression 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyBeckUniversityNone Created by: bthnyroseCreated on: 08-04-16 14:25 Arbitrary Inference Jumping to conclusion when evidence is lacking or contrary to conclusion 1 of 6 Selective Abstraction Abstracting detail out of content and missing the signif' of the total situation 2 of 6 Overgeneralization Unjustified generalization on the basis of a single incident (eg making a single mistake and concluding, I don't do anything right) 3 of 6 Magnification/Minimization Perceiving events as totally bad, neutral or irrelevant. (Take single fact to the extreme) 4 of 6 Personalization Interpret events in terms of their personal meaning to the individual rather than objective characteristics 5 of 6 All-or-none thinking Events are labelled as black and white, good bad, wonderful or horrible, accept or reject 6 of 6
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