Basic Facts of 'The Archarnians'
- Created by: brontsalevel
- Created on: 31-10-14 14:03
At which festival was ‘The Acharnians’ first performed?
The Lenaea
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Which god was did festival primarily honour?
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Which two other famous Athenian festivals were also celebrated in this god’s honour?
Rural and City Dionysia
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Which of these festivals was celebrated by Dikaiopolis in his village?
Rural Dionysia
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What was the Apaturia?
An autumnal festival which celebrate the initiation of children into the religious guilds
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What food was eaten at this particular festival?
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According to Aristophanes, whose Son particularly enjoyed eating them?
King Sitacles' Son
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What was the Thesmophoria and who was allowed to attend?
An Athenian festival for women only
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In which year was 'The Archarnians' performed
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For how many years had Athens been are war for at this point?
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Which city state was Athens' main enemy?
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What name do we give to this war?
The Peloponnesian War
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What are the dates of this war?
431 - 404BC
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What trade embargo does Aristophanes blame for the beginning of the war?
The Megarian Decree
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What Politician does Aristophanes suggest caused the war? (by putting the trade embargo in place)
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Name the other main reason given by Thucydides for the beginning of the war?
Sparta's fear that Athens was getting too powerful
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What was the main tactic Athens' enemy used at the beginning of the war?
Burning crops and vines outside Athens while the Athenians stayed inside the city walls
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Why were things different in 430, 429 and 426BC
There was a plague in Athens so Sparta didn't attack
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Which politician dies in 429BC?
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Where in Athens does 'The Archarnians' begin?
On the Pnyx, where the Ekklesia meets
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What does Dikaiopolis mean?
Good or Honest Citizen
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Who makes up the chorus?
24 old men from Archarnae
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Why are the chorus angry at Dikaiopolis?
Because he has a personal peace with Sparta
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How does Dikaiopolis bribe the chorus in to listening to him?
By threatening to kill a bag of coal which was Archarnae's biggest export, parodying the tragedy 'Telephus'
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Which tragedian does Dikaiopolis visit and for what reason?
Euripedes, to get props to get the Chorus to feel sympathy for him
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Which tragedy is the ‘chopping block scene’ based loosely upon?
Telephus by Euripedes
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What is an ekkyklêma?
A wheeled platform rolled out through in Skene in Ancient Greek Theatre. It was used to bring interior scenes out into the sight of the audience
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Describe the sample of peace terms which Amphitheus brings to Dikiaopolis
Personal peace with Sparta. Ampitheus bring his three wines for the peace terms. 5 years wine smells of ship building, 10 years wine smells acidic but the 30 year peace smells of nectar and ambrosia
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ive two details of the Ambassador’s expedition to see the Great King.
Salary of 2 drachmas a day. It took 3 years to reach the Persian Capital.
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What had happened to Amphitheus earlier in the play?
He was arrested/thrown out of the Assembly
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What does Dikaiopolis ask Amphitheus to do?
Go to negotiate a personal peace with Sparta
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Who does Theorus bring to the Assembly?
Odomantian Soldiers
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Who made up ‘the Executive’ in the Athenian democracy?
The Boule
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What was the job of the Executive?
They took responsibility for one tenth of the year; including organising agenda
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What was the Lenaea and why were no foreigners present yet?
The Festival in honour of Dionysos, in winter before sailing season
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Which politician was very influential in Athens at this time, figure of ridule for Aristophanes?
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For what personal reason did Aristophanes particularly dislike this politician?
Cleon tried to take Aristophanes to the Boule to fine him for the portrayal of him in the Babylonians
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Why would Aristophanes link this politician with leather?
He is said to come from a tanning background
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What is the Greek word for a general, and how many were there elected in Athens?
Strategoi, 10 generals elected.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Which god was did festival primarily honour?
Card 3
Which two other famous Athenian festivals were also celebrated in this god’s honour?
Card 4
Which of these festivals was celebrated by Dikaiopolis in his village?
Card 5
What was the Apaturia?
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