Basic Key Theories Quiz 0.0 / 5 ? SociologySociological theoryA2/A-levelAQA Created by: LeonieMatthews133Created on: 02-03-17 13:11 Which two groups are under the Structuralist umbrella? Functionalism and Marxism 1 of 7 Who started Functionalism? Emile Durkheim 2 of 7 What are the three strands of Feminism? Liberal, Radical and Marxist. 3 of 7 'Society is made up of different institutions that function together as a whole.' Who says this? Functionalism 4 of 7 'Society is patriarchal and women have fewer rights and opportunities than men.' Who says this? Feminism 5 of 7 'Society is split into two classes. The ruling class oppress and exploit the working class.' Who said this? Marxism 6 of 7 'The behaviour of and interaction between individuals determine how society works.' Who says this? Interactionism 7 of 7
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