B3b questions
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- Created by: _Holly
- Created on: 12-05-13 15:38
What is happening to the world's population? What is largely resposible for this trend?
It is rising quickly because modern farming methods and medicine stop people dying due to hunger and disease
1 of 21
Suggest 3 ways in which a rising population is affecting the environment
More raw materials are being used. More fossil fuels are being used for industry and manufacturing. There is a higher demand for things which means more is being produced and toxic chemicals get into rivers/oceans and the atmosphere
2 of 21
What are the 4 main activities that use up land?
Building, quarrying for metal ores, farming, dumping waste
3 of 21
Name 5 important stores of carbon
Oceans, lakes, ponds, peat bogs, green plants
4 of 21
Why is it so important to have stores of carbon?
So that there is less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
5 of 21
Name 2 important greenhouse gases
Carbon dioxide and methane
6 of 21
Why are they called 'greenhouse gases'?
Because gases in the atmosphere naturally act like an insulating layer by absorbing most of the heat that would normally be radiated out into space, and re-radiate it in all directions (including back to earth), like a greenhouse
7 of 21
Give 3 reasons why people chop down large areas of forest
To produce timber for building materials, to make space for farming, to make paper out of wood
8 of 21
What is biodiversity?
The variety of different species in an environment
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How can deforestation lead to a reduction in biodiversity?
Lots of different species live in forests so when the habitat is destroyed they become extinct
10 of 21
Apart from a reduction in biodiversity, what other 3 problems can deforestation lead to?
More methane in the atmostphere, more carbon diocide in the atmosphere, less carbon dioxide taken in (by green plants)
11 of 21
Why is using peat-free compost better for the enironment better than using peat?
Because peat bogs take in and store carbon dioxide so if the peat is used as compost then more carbon dioxide is released into the environment
12 of 21
What are 3 possible consequences of global warming?
Rising sea levels mean that some countries will be flooded. Weather patterns will change in many parts of the world so there will be more extreme weather. Biodiversity will be reduced because species may be unable to survive a change in the climate
13 of 21
Does fermentation involve aerobic or anaerobic respiration?
Anaerobic respiration
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What are the two main components of biogas?
70% methane 30% carbon dioxide
15 of 21
Why do chickens kept in small cages in heated sheds need less food?
They don't need as much energy for moving around and keeping warm so they don't need as much food for energy
16 of 21
What is 'sustainable food production'?
Having enough food without using resources quicker than they renew
17 of 21
Give two ways that fish stocks can be conserved
Fishing quotas - limits on the number and size of fish being caught prevents certain species from being overfished. Net size - less fish are caught and larger mesh size lets younger fish slip through the net to carry on breeding
18 of 21
What microorganism is the main source of mycoprotein?
19 of 21
What are the advantages of efficient foor production?
It is cheaper for farmers and for consumers, the animals grow faster on less food
20 of 21
What are the disadvantages of efficient food production?
The animals are raised in cruel conditions. Disease is easily spread. Power from fossil fuels is needed to keep the animals warm. Our fish stocks are getting low
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Suggest 3 ways in which a rising population is affecting the environment
More raw materials are being used. More fossil fuels are being used for industry and manufacturing. There is a higher demand for things which means more is being produced and toxic chemicals get into rivers/oceans and the atmosphere
Card 3
What are the 4 main activities that use up land?

Card 4
Name 5 important stores of carbon

Card 5
Why is it so important to have stores of carbon?

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