B1 - Understanding Organisms 3.0 / 5 based on 6 ratings ? BiologyB1GCSEEdexcel Created by: ItsAlevelTimeCreated on: 29-03-16 13:57 Blood Pressure is measured in... mmHg - Millimeters of Mercury 1 of 20 Systolic pressure is ... the maximum pressure 2 of 20 Carbon Monoxide ... increases blood pressure by combining with the haemoglobin 3 of 20 What is Thrombosis? blood clots that block the artery 4 of 20 Fat is composed of... glycerol & fatty acids 5 of 20 EAR stands for... Estimated Average Requirement 6 of 20 Fats are stored... under the skin and around organs as adipose tissue. 7 of 20 What is stored in the liver as glycogen? Carbohydrates 8 of 20 Maleria is caused by... A parasite protozoan called Plasmodium 9 of 20 Pathogens cause symptoms by... damaging cells or producing toxins 10 of 20 In accommodation, to focus on distant objects... the ciliary muscles relax and the suspensory ligaments tighten 11 of 20 Reflex Arc stimulus -> receptor -> sensory neurone -> CNS -> motor neurone -> effector -> response 12 of 20 Spinal Reflex receptor -> sensory neurone -> relay neurone ->motor neurone -> effector 13 of 20 Alcohol damages the liver because... the toxic chemical causes cirrhosis as it is broken down 14 of 20 Type 1 diabetes is caused by ... the pancreas not producing enough insulin 15 of 20 An example of Homozygous = AA or aa 16 of 20 What does not raise Blood Pressure Healthy DIet 17 of 20 What causes heart disease? Restricted blood flow to the heart due to plaque 18 of 20 What are memory cells NOT called? M cells 19 of 20 Whats the difference between Genotype and Phenotype? genetic makeup - what is expressed 20 of 20
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