B ; cda ; timeline 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryModern Britain from 1750A2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: ilovetheofficeCreated on: 05-04-18 10:55 crimean war ends 1856 1 of 17 giv inquiry into contagious diseases in army and navy 1862 2 of 17 first cda 1864 3 of 17 second cda 1866 4 of 17 2nd reform act 1867 5 of 17 liberal election victory 1868 6 of 17 third cda 1869 7 of 17 ladies' national association established 1869 8 of 17 protesters disrupt parliamentary elections in newark and colchester 1870 9 of 17 royal commission investigates cda effects 1871 10 of 17 protesters disrupt pontefract election 1872 11 of 17 conservative victory in general election 1874 12 of 17 mrs percy commits suicide bc wrongly id'd prostitute 1875 13 of 17 liberal general election victory 1880 14 of 17 cda suspended 1883 15 of 17 3rd reform act 1884 16 of 17 cda repealed 1886 17 of 17
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