Autism is a disorder that affects social interaction, communication, interests and behaviour.
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What are the causes of autism
Genetic factors, environmental factors such as;exposure to chemicals, brain development condition, multiple genes
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Name four physical impacts of autism
Slow a persons development, fine and gross motor skills are affected, find it difficult to write, draw and make music, walk differently, have extreme reactions
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Name 3 intellectual impact of autism
Struggle with their speech, struggle to start a conversation and interact with people, learn at a slower rate than peers
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Name 3 emotional impacts of autism
Anxious, stress, isolated, excluded, depressed, show less empathy or shared emotion
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Name 4 social impacts of autism
Have social and communication difficulties, have trouble understanding body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. Find it difficult to make or build friendships and relationships.
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Name 3 financial impacts of autism
Find it difficult to get a job, usually only part time. Receive benefits, may give a bad interview, employers may discriminate or make assumptions.
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Explain the educational barrier of autism
Find it difficult to find the difference between teasing and bullying, may struggle with anxiety when learning. May find it difficult to start and complete homework.
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Explain the employment barrier of autism
Struggle to get a job, may only be part time, may give a bad interview, may find it difficult to retain employment.
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Explain the societal barrier of autism
Struggle with simple interactions, have difficulty with social communication, may speak too loudly or fast.
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Explain the economic barrier of autism
May receive a low income, or may rely on benefits.
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Explain the environmental barrier of autism
People with autism often need structure and a supportive environment, they often need a similar routine each day.
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Name 4 professionals/practitioners that can help an individual with autism
Teaching assistant, SENCO, educational psychologist, GP, care assistant, social worker, community nurse
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Name 5 psychological life quality factors that an individual with autism may lack
Effective communication, social contact, occupation, social support, equitable treatment
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Identify and explain 2 risks that an individual with autism may face
BULLYING; anti-bullying policy, children act, there should be practitioners that the individual can talk to. ABUSE; minimise discrimination by making others more aware of autism, systems should be in place as a result of Children Act/ Equality Act.
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Identify and explain another 2 risks that they may face
STRESS; child may become stressed with starting school they should be able to meet the teacher before hand. ISOLATION/SOCIAL EXCLUSION; make sure individual has peers to look out for them, strategies may be required.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the causes of autism
Genetic factors, environmental factors such as;exposure to chemicals, brain development condition, multiple genes
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