Society is made up of societies which are separate groups with distinct identities and members who share meaning and value
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(Mohan 2000)
There is not a death of class as there is still concentrated wealth and poverty
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Social Exclusion (Gregory et al 2009)
Social exclusion is people being separated from the normal exchanges of living within society
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Burchardt et al (1999)
Measurement of exclusion - social, production, political, savings and consumption
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Essentialism (Gregory et al 2009)
Distinguishing between essential and non-essential phenomena
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Hernstein and Murray (1994)
The Bell Curve
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(Sayer 1997)
The link between an attribute and judgement creates negative stereotypes and exclusion
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(Somers 1994)
Essentialism is critiqued as it states fixed power relations but they have changed over history
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(Matless 1998)
The dominant race in England create an ideal citizenship excluding anything other
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(Brah 2004)
Discrimination causes injustice and inequality, the main issue of racism is the disadvantage created and we should celebrate difference
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Discourses (Gregory et al 2009)
A series of representations through meanings are produced and connected into networks and legitimised
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Longhurst (2000)
Highlighted how space and media reinforce masculinity e.g. boot sale men sell DIY tools = typically masculine
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Smith (1998) and Cornell (1997)
Men act more masculine @ work than @ home. many institutions create imagery of masculinity e.g. politics/military.
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Valentine (1998)
heterosexing spaces which exclude anything outside of the norm e.g. lesbians feel unconventional
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(Blane 2010)
Habitus is a product of historical relations and structured through cultural understanding
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Reproduction of social distinction (Warde 1997)
Material culture. Consumption.
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Reproduction of social distinction (Mitchell 2003)
Space. Landscape.
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Reproduction of social distinction (Mellor et al 2010)
Dinner parties. Class boundaries = class advantage.
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(Williams 2011)
Riots link to social class as summer 2011 riots were response to brutality of poverty and exclusion – underclass responding to consumer society – rebelling.
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(Cloke et al 2014)
Organisation of society is the root cause of disability
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Gleeson (1999)
We are currently failing to embrace difference, in particular disability
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Golledge (1993) and (Wilton 2006)
We need to adapt space for disabled to enjoy. Our world of work is currently not fit for disabled
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Imrie (1996)
Claims medical model is ableist geography, based on normality and therefore can be criticised as disability is considered abnormal and the medical response is to simply return disabled to the ‘norm’
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(UPIAS 1999)
Social model describes disability as the disadvantage of activity of those with impairments caused by a contemporary social organisation
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Golledge et al (1997)
Bus transport santa barbara - visually impaired dependent
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
There is not a death of class as there is still concentrated wealth and poverty
(Mohan 2000)
Card 3
Social exclusion is people being separated from the normal exchanges of living within society
Card 4
Measurement of exclusion - social, production, political, savings and consumption
Card 5
Distinguishing between essential and non-essential phenomena
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