Attachment Quiz 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyAttachmentASAQA Created by: Lauren432Created on: 02-03-16 15:17 How did Bowlby describe the amount of time a baby has to form an attachment with its primary attachment figure (normally the mother)? Critical period 1 of 6 What did Ainsworth want to test in her experiment, "The Strange Situation"? Secure base, stranger anxiety, separation anxiety and reunion behaviour 2 of 6 What are the 3 types of attachment (according to Ainsworth's Strange Situation)? Secure, Insecure Avoidant and Insecure Resistant 3 of 6 What is privation? Failure to form any attachment at all 4 of 6 What type of attachment is most common in collective cultures, according to Ainsworth's Strange Situation? Insecure Resistant 5 of 6 According to Bowlby's theory of attachment, what is Monotrophy? The idea of forming one attachment 6 of 6
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