Atomic Structure IGCSE DUAL AWARD IGCSE CHEMISTRY 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? ChemistryStructure and bondingIGCSEEdexcel Created by: Annie HartCreated on: 03-04-13 11:39 What other subparticle is equal to the number of protons? Electrons 1 of 12 What is the ATOMIC NUMBER? The number of protons in an atom 2 of 12 What is the MASS NUMBER? The number of neutrons and protons in an atom 3 of 12 How many electrons can the first orbital shell take? 2 4 of 12 What is the symbol for the RELATIVE FORMULA MASS Mr 5 of 12 What is the symbol for the RELATIVE ATOMIC MASS Ar 6 of 12 How do you find the Relative Formula Mass Add the relative atomic masses 7 of 12 How do you find the Relative Atomic Mass? (X x Y) + (Z x W) / 100 8 of 12 What is an isotope? The same element with a different number of neutrons 9 of 12 Do ionic bonds make electrically charged atoms? True 10 of 12 Do covalent bonds make electrically charged ? False 11 of 12 What happens in covalent bonding? Electrons are shared 12 of 12
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