The remnant of a white dwarf after it has cooled down. It has a very low luminosity.
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Black Hole
A singularity in space-time: the end result in the evolution of a very massive star
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Brown Dwarf
gas and dust that did not reach high enough temperatures to initiate fusion. These objects continues to compact and cool down
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Cepheid Variable
A star of variable luminosity. The luminosity increases sharply and falls off gently with a well-defined period. The period is related to the absolute luminosity of the star and so can be used to estimate distance to the star.
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Clusters of Galaxies
Galaxies close to each other and affecting each other gravitationally, behaving as one unit
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A small body (mainly ice and dust) orbiting the sun in an elliptical orbit
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A group of stars in a recognizable patter that appear to be next to each otherin space
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Dark Matter
Generic name for matter in galaxies and clusters of galaxies that is too cold to radiate. Its existance is inferred from techniques other than direct visual observation
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A collection of a very large number of stars mutually attracting each other through the gravitational force and staying together. The number of stars in a galaxy varies from a few million in dwarf galaxies to hundreds of billions in large galaxies.
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Interstellar Medium
Gases and dust grains filling the space in between stars. The density of interstellar mass is very low . there is about one atom of gas for every cubic centimeter of space
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Man Sequence Star
A normal star that is undergoing fusion of hydrogen into helium. Our sun is a typical main sequence star.
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Neutron Star
If a red giant is very large, the end result of the explosion throwing off mass will be a star even smaller than a white dwarf and very dense. This star consists almost entirely of neutrons.
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The sudden increase in luminosity of a white dwarf caused by material from a nearby star falling into the white dwarf
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Planetary Nebula
The ejected envelope of a red giant star
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a rapidly rotating neutron star emitting electromagnetic radiation in the radio region. Pulsars have very strong magnetic fields. Periods of rotation vary from a few milliseconds to seconds.
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Powerful energy emitters. these are very active cores of young galaxies. The energy output from a quasar is greater than that of hundreds of galaxies combined. From redshift measurements, quasars are known to move away from us at very high speeds.
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Red Dwarf
a very small star with low temperature, reddish in colour
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Red Giant
A main sequence star evolves into a red giant-a very huge, reddish star. There are nuclear reactions involving the fusion of helium into heavier elements.
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Stellar Cluster
a group of stars that are physically near each other in space, created by the collapse of the same gas cloud
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The explosion of a red supergiant star. The amount of energy emitted in a supernova explosion can be staggering - comparable to the total energy radiated by our sun in its entire lifetime!
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White Dwarf
A red giant at the end stage of its evolution wil throw off mass and leave behind a small (the size of earth), very dense star in which no nuclear reactions take place. It is very hot but its small size gives it a very low luminositt
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The remnant of a white dwarf after it has cooled down. It has a very low luminosity.
Black Dwarf
Card 3
A singularity in space-time: the end result in the evolution of a very massive star
Card 4
gas and dust that did not reach high enough temperatures to initiate fusion. These objects continues to compact and cool down
Card 5
A star of variable luminosity. The luminosity increases sharply and falls off gently with a well-defined period. The period is related to the absolute luminosity of the star and so can be used to estimate distance to the star.