
  • Created by: Edward
  • Created on: 22-02-16 11:10
Fagan v MPC (1969)
Assault involves intentionally and recklessly causing a person to apprehend immediate and unlawful personal violence
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Lamb (1967)
Where there is no apprehension, there is no assault-e.g. V thought there was no bullet in gun, thus, no apprehension
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Ireland and Burstow (1998)
An assault may be committed by words alone
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Tuberville v Savage (1669)
‘If I were not assized time, I would not take such language from you’-no assault; there was no intention to assault, thus, the victim could not have apprehended immediate personal violence
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Read v Coker (1853)
Conditional assault may constitute assault-def told V he would break his neck if he did not leave work premises
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Smith (1983)
Despite closed window between def and V, there was a sufficient apprehension of immediate and unlawful violence
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Costanza (1997)
There could be an assault where the apprehension was of violence ‘at some point not excluding the immediate future’
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Ireland and Burstow (1998)
Immediacy requirement may be satisfied in case of silent caller, as V may fear that the caller is outside the door
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Fagan (1969)
The assault must be a positive act not ommision
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Card 2


Where there is no apprehension, there is no assault-e.g. V thought there was no bullet in gun, thus, no apprehension


Lamb (1967)

Card 3


An assault may be committed by words alone


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Card 4


‘If I were not assized time, I would not take such language from you’-no assault; there was no intention to assault, thus, the victim could not have apprehended immediate personal violence


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Card 5


Conditional assault may constitute assault-def told V he would break his neck if he did not leave work premises


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