What were Khrushchev's aims with Peaceful Coexistence?
-USSR to be world leader of communism -Expand Nuclear capability -Firm grip over Eastern Bloc -Good relations with USA
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When was the Austrian State Treaty?
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What did the Austrian State Treaty agree?
-Austrian neutrality
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What was the significance of the treaty?
-USSR's willingness to negotiate -Island of neutrality sitting on the Iron Curtain
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When was the first Geneva Summit?
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What was discussed?
-Nuclear disarmament -Future of Germany -Open Skies policy
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What was agreed?
-No true agreements reached on proposed issues
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-What significant event took place in 1955?
-West Germany joined NATO
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When was the Warsaw Pact?
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What was it a response to?
-NATO -Joining of W.Germany into NATO
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When was the first Berlin ultimatum?
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What did it propose?
-Demilitirisation of W.Germany or East Germany would be handed over to Ulbricht's GDR
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What was the result?
-West ignored threats
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When was the Paris Summit?
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Why did it collapse?
-U2 spy plane shot down over Soviet Union
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What were the manpower losses in dollars to East Germany as a result of the 'Brain Drain'?
Between $7-$9 billion
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What was the response?
Berlin Wall 1961
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When was the second Berlin Ultimatum?
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What evidence is there of Eisenhower's Massive Retaliation during this period?
Threat of bombing China over the attacks of Matsu and Quenoy in the 1950s
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Who was US President after Eisenhower?
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What was his foreign policy and what did it involve?
-Flexible Response -Conventional forces, Nuclear spending, Covert Operations and Negotiation
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What is evidence of Flexible Response?
-Covert Operations in and near Vietnam -Vienna Summit -Cuban Missile Crisis Operations -Arms Race
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How much did the army grow from in 1960 and to by 1964?
2.5 million to 2.7 million
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How many atomic bombs did the US have in 1950 and how many did they have by 1955?
298 in 1950 and 2422 in 1955
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How much of US GNP went towards armaments in 1954?
Over 12%
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When did the USA acquire the H-bomb?
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When did the Soviet Union get the H-Bomb?
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When did the USA get long range ICBM's?
33 of 51
When did the USSR get short range ICBM's?
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When did the USA get SLBM's?
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When did the USSR get SLBM's?
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When was the Gaither Report?
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What did it say?
That there was a missile gap
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When was Sputnik launched?
39 of 51
What did this mean?
-Assumption that the Soviet Union were ahead in the Arms Race/In conjunction with the Gaither Report
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How many missile warheads did the USA have in 1962 compared to the Soviet Union?
4000 to the Soviet Union's 220
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When was the Cuban Revolution?
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When was Operation Quick kick?
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When was Operation Mongoose?
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How many Cuban Exiles and American CIA agents entered Cuba in Operation Mongoose?
10000 Cuban exiles and 400 Americans
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What was the result of the Bay of Pigs invasion?
-Failed counter revolution -Humiliation for JFK
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How many Cuban exiles landed in the Bay of Pigs?
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When was Operation Anadyr?
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Why did the USSR intervene in Cuba?
-Close missile gap by placing short range ICBM's near US coast -Defense of Cuba from US invasion -World protectors of communism -Mao's criticism of Peaceful coexistence -Removal of the pro-soviet wing of Castro's party -Further expansionism into S.A
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How did the Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 end?
-Naval confrontation/Retreat of Soviet ships (removal of missiles) -Khrushchev's two telegrams -Agreement of Turkish Jupiter missile removal (kept secret)
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What were the immediate results of the Cuban Missile Crisis?
-1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty -1963 Hotline set up -1964 Removal of Khrushchev by Politburo -1968 Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty
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