AS psychology OCR

  • Created by: Michelle
  • Created on: 04-06-13 13:05
What are the 5 approaches?
Cognitive, development, physiological, social and individual differences
1 of 20
Describe the cognitive approach
Mental processes such as memory, perception, thinking, reasoning, problem-solving and language
2 of 20
Give the 3 studies that use a cognitive approach
Loftus and Palmer, Baron-Cohen, Savage - Rumbaugh
3 of 20
Describe the development approach
Considers a range of changes that occur throughout our lives
4 of 20
Give the 3 studies that use a development approach
Freud, Samuel and Bryant, Bandura Ross & Ross
5 of 20
Describe the physiological approach
Considers the extent to which behaviour and experience are determined by our biology
6 of 20
Give the 3 studies that use a physiological approach
Maguire, Dement & Kleitman, and Sperry
7 of 20
Describe the social approach
Looks at a range of behaviours that occur between people or groups of people
8 of 20
Give 3 studies that use the social approach
Milgram, Reicher & Hasam and Pivilian
9 of 20
Describe the individual difference approach
Looks at the differences between people, whereas the other approaches tend to look at factors that are common to all people
10 of 20
Give 3 studies that use the individual difference approach
Rosenhan, Thigpen & Cleckley and Griffuths
11 of 20
What are the perspectives?
Behaviourist and psychodynamic
12 of 20
Describe the behaviourist perspective
Assumes that all behavour is learned, a person is described as a 'blank sheet' at birth, then their environment determines who they will become
13 of 20
Describe the psychodynamic perspective
Emotional or psychological disturbances could produce physical effects
14 of 20
What are the methods?
Lab, correlation, case study, self report and observation
15 of 20
What are the evaluation issues?
Ecological validity, application to everyday life, sample (representative etc), ethics, nature-nurture, individual vs situational explanations, reliability, validity, qualitative & quantitative measures, control, reductionism and determinism
16 of 20
Describe the ethcs
Was anyone harmed? should the researcher conducted this piece of research? costs of research?
17 of 20
What are the general issues?
Consent, deception, debriefing, withdrawal, confidentiality,protection of partcipants
18 of 20
What are the 3 experimental designs?
Repeated, matched pairs and independent method
19 of 20
What are the 3 sampling methods?
Opportunity, volunteer and random
20 of 20

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe the cognitive approach


Mental processes such as memory, perception, thinking, reasoning, problem-solving and language

Card 3


Give the 3 studies that use a cognitive approach


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe the development approach


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give the 3 studies that use a development approach


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


Izzy Mason


Sorry but this is not that helpful. No-one needs to revise which studies are in each approach. The 2 stars are for the end stuff.

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