AS OCR Philosophy and Ethics 3.0 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? Religious StudiesEthicsASOCR Created by: CharlotteCreated on: 09-10-12 18:35 The object that measures happiness or pain from situations hedoniccalculus 1 of 12 the person who created situation ethics josephfletcher 2 of 12 the person concerned with natural law aquinas 3 of 12 what analogy did plato create? cave 4 of 12 the person copleston had his radio debate with russell 5 of 12 kants first name immanuel 6 of 12 the person who came up with the evolutionary theory darwin 7 of 12 what argument said there were three ways to prove the existence of god cosmological 8 of 12 what theory is utilitarianism teleological 9 of 12 another word for purpose telos 10 of 12 person in charge with preference utilitarianism singer 11 of 12 kantian came up with three principles what were these called categoricalimperatives 12 of 12
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