AS OCR Music Vivaldi's Bassoon Concerto in Em
very detailed Quiz on the set work Vivaldi's Basson Concerto
- Created by: ellie g
- Created on: 06-05-12 10:13
Other questions in this quiz
2. How does Vivaldi develop his acciacatura motif at the beginning
- changes the accicacaturas to demisemi quaver causing them t become harmonic notes instead of dissonant
- mirror the melody at a different pitch (Dominant)
- spread it across the whole orchestra in unison at a forte marking
3. A Ritornello is where only the solo instrument plays not the full orchestra
- False
- True
4. What is the second idea
- a chord followed by a descending scale
- repeated quavers
- repeated semi quavers
- a chord followed by an ascending scale
5. how does the harmony change in Solo 1
- every beat
- over enharmonics
- Every two beats
- over a circle of fiths
- ever bar
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