Affect & disrupt our lives. Split into high and medium hazards
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High and Medium Hazards
High hazards = death and medium = buildings destroyed, disease from dirty water and destruction of communication/transport links
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LEDC's and MEDC's
LEDC's have more physical loses (deaths) & MEDC's have more economic losses (collapsed buildings) People in LEDC's are more vulnerable as they place themselves in high risk areas.
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Difference between hazards and disasters
Hazard is a natural event which has potential to threaten life and property and disrupt life. Hazards also have human causes (wildfire)
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A disaster is the realisation and actual impacts of a hazard (the resulting deaths, injures, destruction and disruption)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
High hazards = death and medium = buildings destroyed, disease from dirty water and destruction of communication/transport links
High and Medium Hazards
Card 3
LEDC's have more physical loses (deaths) & MEDC's have more economic losses (collapsed buildings) People in LEDC's are more vulnerable as they place themselves in high risk areas.
Card 4
Hazard is a natural event which has potential to threaten life and property and disrupt life. Hazards also have human causes (wildfire)
Card 5
A disaster is the realisation and actual impacts of a hazard (the resulting deaths, injures, destruction and disruption)
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