The difference in oxygen content between arterial and venous blood
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Why would a trained athlete have a better avo2 difference
The trained athlete's body would be more efficient at using oxygen
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Is there more oxygen at rest or during activity
There is more o2 in the veins during rest than during activity so avo2 diff increases during exercise
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How is an improved Av02 achieved
high quality aerobic training ,Increased muscle temperature and High quality warm up
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Deoxygenated blood
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oxygenated blood
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The Bohr Shift
the shift in the oxygen dissociation curve to the left as a result of decreased blood pH and increased temperature.
Your spelling is important - this is a key term.
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INCREASED Diffusion=
Molecules from High to low concentration
Increased oxygen dissociation I increased avo2 diff Increased oxygen extraction
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What component of fitness
Aerobic endurance
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A higher AVO2 DIFF
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Why would a trained athlete have a better avo2 difference
The trained athlete's body would be more efficient at using oxygen
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