A naturally occuring aromatic compound, which is a very stable planar ring strucure with delocalised electrons
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Kekule's Benznene Model
A six-membered ring with alternating single and double bonds between carbon atoms
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Substitution reaction
A group/atom is exchanged for another group/atom in aq chemical reaction
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Benzene derivative
A benzene ring that has undegone a substitution reaction
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Electrophilic substitution
A substitution reaction where an electrophile is attracted to an electron-rich atom or part of a moleucle and a new covalent bond is formed from the electrophile accepting an electron pair
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Reaction mechanism
A model with steps to expalin and predict a chemical reaction
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Nitration of benzene
An electrophilic substitution reaction where a hydrogen atom is exhchanged for a nitro group (NO2)
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A Friedel-Crafts reaction
A substitution reaction where hydrogen is excahnged for an alkyl/acyl chain
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Acyl chloride
A functional group RCOCl, and is very reactive
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An aromatic compound where a hydroxyl group is directly attached to the aromatic ring
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Directing effect
A functional group attached directly to an aromatic ring affects which carbon atoms are more likely to undergo substitution
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Bromination of phenols
Triple substitution to form a white precipitate of 2,4,6-tribromophenol
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Nitration of phenols
Dilute nitric acid --> mixture of 2 and 4 nitrophenol. Conc. nitric acid --> 2,4,6-trinitrophenol
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A species attracted to an electron-deficient part of a molecule, where it donates a pair of electrons to make a new covalent bond
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A chemical reaction where water causes the breaking of bonds, in a decomposition reaction
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
A six-membered ring with alternating single and double bonds between carbon atoms
Kekule's Benznene Model
Card 3
A group/atom is exchanged for another group/atom in aq chemical reaction
Card 4
A benzene ring that has undegone a substitution reaction
Card 5
A substitution reaction where an electrophile is attracted to an electron-rich atom or part of a moleucle and a new covalent bond is formed from the electrophile accepting an electron pair
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