Aristotle 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesPhilosophyAncient Greek influences on PhilosophyASOCR Created by: theblazingoptimistCreated on: 02-01-16 14:33 How is Aristotle's Prime Mover different to the Judeo-Christian understanding of God Impersonal, force rather than a being 1 of 6 What did Aristotle believe about the relationship between cause and potential? Cause actualises potential 2 of 6 In what way does a magnet analogy relate to the Prime Mover? Like a magnet, the Prime Mover draws other things towards it and makes them want to imitate it through pure goodness 3 of 6 What did Aristotle believe about goodness? Everything has intrinsic goodness, and strives for ultimate good 4 of 6 How did Aristotle's beliefs influence those of Aquinas? Belief that "Prime Mover" (God) = unchanging, pure actuality = key Christian belief 5 of 6 How are Aristotle's beliefs different to those of Plato? Plato believed in humans w/ eternal souls, while Aristotle viewed them as immanent 6 of 6
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