AQA Chemistry quiz- Unit 2: Structure and bonding 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? ChemistryStructure and bondingGCSEAQA Created by: Sam_98Created on: 24-02-14 21:59 How are compounds formed? atoms sharing or transferring electrons in order to achieve stable electronic structures 1 of 5 Bonding: atoms of non metallic elements join by sharing Covalent 2 of 5 Bonding: Metallic elements with non metallic ionic compounds (Metals - Positive ions) (Non metals- negative ions) 3 of 5 talk about ionic bonding? Held together with oppositely charged ions, in giant structures. Very regular; all ions pack together neatly 4 of 5 fevewsv vrgebvebv 5 of 5
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