Roosevelt's programme under which the USA supplied Allied nations with food and weapons. As a consequence of this, Britain became financially dependent on the United States, receiving $11.3 bn dollars by 1945.
1 of 14
What was the impact of the Second World War on the United States?
It stimulated their economy and therefore established them as the dominant superpower. In 1940, they produced 6,000 war planes p.a. By 1945, this was closer to 96,000. It offered economic recovery and technological advancement (a-bomb)
2 of 14
What was the impact of the Second World War on international politics?
'Awakened' the superpowers of the USA and USSR; destroyed the capacity of the European powers to hold international prestige and influence - decolonisation consequently occurred.
3 of 14
How was the Grand Alliance formed?
Formed when Nazi Germany violated the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement (Nazi-Soviet Pact) and invaded the Soviet Union, who then declared war against Germany, joining the Allied forces.
4 of 14
What was the Atlantic Charter of 1941?
The agreement between Roosevelt and Churchill that committed the Western powers in the post-war world to a political system that revolved around self-determination and peace. This became the cornerstone of the Grand Alliance.
Division of Germany and Berlin; formal ratification of the United Nations; signing of the Declaration on Liberated Europe
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What was the Declaration on Liberated Europe?
The agreement between the Big Three to hold free and fair democratic elections in European countries that were liberated from Nazi rule.
8 of 14
What did Roosevelt want from the Yalta Conference?
Collective security (cooperation instead of defensive alliances); right to self-determination and no spheres of influence; world economic reconstruction through IMF/WB; rebuilding Germany
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What did Stalin want from the Yalta Conference?
Economic reconstruction for the USSR at Germany's expense; USSR's security guaranteed through spheres of influence
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What events happened between the Yalta and Potsdam conferences that influenced the outcome of Potsdam?
Soviet Union begin to occupy Eastern Europe, Attlee replaces Churchill; Truman replaces Roosevelt; Germany surrenders; the USA detonates the a-bomb
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When was the Potsdam Conference? Who attended?
17th July - 1st August 1945. Stalin, Truman and Attlee attended.
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What agreements were reached at the Potsdam Conference?
Germany would be demilitarised and its political system de-Nazified and decentralised; the USSR would receive reparations from its zone and 25% from Western zones
13 of 14
What were the issues in the aftermath of the Potsdam Conference?
Both the USA and USSR were beginning to pursue their own ambitions; Truman did not mention the a-bomb at the Conference; the levels of USSR reparations were unclear; the USSR failed to hold free elections in Poland.
14 of 14
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was the impact of the Second World War on the United States?
It stimulated their economy and therefore established them as the dominant superpower. In 1940, they produced 6,000 war planes p.a. By 1945, this was closer to 96,000. It offered economic recovery and technological advancement (a-bomb)
Card 3
What was the impact of the Second World War on international politics?
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