'A certain cure for the lust of blood' 'bare as an eyeball, no cover anywhere and the machine gunners on the other side were alive and well'
1 of 9
Quotes for theme of 'politics'
'i believe this war is being deliberately prolonged by those who have the power to stop it' 'we have no gift to set a statesmen right, he has had enough of meddling'
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Quotes for theme of 'brotherhood'
'glad in the glory of fellowship, happy in misery, strong in the strength that laughs at its weakness'
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Quotes for theme of 'futility of war'
'two days of absolute bloody chaos. Bloody pointless mess.' 'so many pointless, inglorious deaths, 'just like that'.' 'millions have died but our troops have advanced no further than an asthmatic ant with some heavy shopping.'
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Quotes for themes of 'propaganda' and 'patriotism'
'won't you join up comrades?' 'if i should die, think only this of me, that there is some corner of a foreign field that is forever England' 'it won't be a picnic-not much- yet eagerly shoulders a gun?'
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Quotes for themes of 'dehumanisation'
'it didnt sound like a human being, or even like an animal, a sort of guttural gurgling like a blocked drain' 'objects of horror'
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Quotes for themes of 'roles of women'
'i couldn't have loved a man who'd stayed at home' 'you love us when we're home on leave or wounded in a mentionable place' 'no longer caged or penned up' 'they're going to keep their end up till the khaki soldier boys come back'
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Quotes for themes of 'reality of war'
'lurching back with dying eyes and lolling heads' 'it is the same old druid thing as ever' 'now the soldiers he smiled at are most of 'em dead' 'but the game goes on and on and it gets more and more frightening' 'this is not a war, it's slaughter'
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Quotes for themes of 'consequences of war'
'he saw the severed head, torso and limbs of a dismembered body hurtling towards him' 'bodies were piling up one on top of the other, the shell holes filled and new ones opened up' 'from every nightmare he awoke vomitting'
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Quotes for theme of 'politics'
'i believe this war is being deliberately prolonged by those who have the power to stop it' 'we have no gift to set a statesmen right, he has had enough of meddling'
Card 3
Quotes for theme of 'brotherhood'
Card 4
Quotes for theme of 'futility of war'
Card 5
Quotes for themes of 'propaganda' and 'patriotism'
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