AQA Conflict & Tension - 1919-1939
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- Created by: SamuelTye
- Created on: 02-08-17 08:09
French Prime minister who wanted harsh treatment of Germany in the Treaty of Versailles
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Lloyd George
British Prime minister who wanted a not too harsh treat,ent of Germany in the Treaty of Versailles
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President of USA wanted a fair punishment for Germany by giving freedom & introducing the League of Nations
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Wilsons 14 Points
14 things USA wanted to do to Germany (Diplomatic, Territorial & League of Nations)
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Treaty of Versailles
A treaty to punish Germany for the cause of World War 1
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German Kaiser
The leader of Germany who stepped down after the Treaty of Versailles
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ST.Germain Peace Treaty
The 1919 treaty to create Czechoslovakia,Poland & Yugoslovia, with Austria losing land
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Neuilly Peace Treaty
The 1919 treaty where Bulgaria lost land & paid £100 million in reparations
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Sevres Peace Treaty
The 1920 treaty where Turkey lost most European land & the Turkish empire split up
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Trianon Peace Treaty
The 1920 treaty where Hungary lost land & their economy collapsed
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Lausanne Peace Treaty
The 1923 treaty where Turkey regained land & had a free army size
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League Of Nations
An organisation formed to promote peace across Europe & the world
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The Council
A part of the LON where 42 countries met each year to discuss topics
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Court of International Justice
A part of the LON where arguments were settled with 11 judges
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International Labour organisation (ILO)
A special commission that got 77 countries to agree a minimum wage, but failed to stop child employment + exploitation
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Economic + Finance committee
A special commission that helped Austria + Turkey financially, however did not cope after the wall street crash
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A 1920 dispute where Poland refuse to withdraw their army from Vilna & still kept control of it
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Upper Silesia
A 1921-25 dispute between Germany & Poland, where it was split into regions by the LON, however both countries were unhappy as they lost land
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Åland Islands
A 1921 dispute between Finland & Sweden, where both claimed the islands, however the LON gave it to Finland, on the condition they built no forts
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Bulgaria dispute
A 1925 dispute where the LON ordered Greek soldiers to withdraw from Bulgaria, & they obeyed it
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Washington Arms Conference (LON Uninvolved)
A 1921-22 agreement that encourage disarmament between USA,Britain,France & Japan. It said for every 5 tonnes USA has, Joan could have 3 tonnes
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Rapallo Treaty (LON Uninvolved)
A 1922 agreement where Germany gave back what is gained from Russia, reducing tension
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Locarno Treaties (LON Uninvolved)
A 1925 agreement where France,Germany,Britain,Italy,Belgium & Czechoslovakia agreed not to go to war
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Kellogg-Brand Pact
A 1928 agreement where 65 countries agreed not to use war to solve issues
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Wall Street Crash
When the American stock market crashed in 1929
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The Great Depression
A period in the 1930's where debt, poverty & unemployment rose as a result of the Wall Street crash
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Manchuria Crisis
A crisis in 1931-32 where Japan invaded China & the LON held an inquiry to say Japan were wrong, however ignored the League
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Abyssinian Crisis
A Crisis in 1934-35 where Italy invaded Abyssinia (Ethiopia) &'the LON banned countries from trading with Italy
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Dollfuss Affair
In 1934 when Austria's leader banned the Austrian Nazi party, but Hitler's ordered them to cause havoc
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The Saar Plebiscite
In 1935 where a vote Hitker gained control of the Saar through a vote, where 90%'voted for him
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1935 German Rearmament
When Germany's army was at 1 million & the Luftwaffe was built
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Anglo-German Naval Agreement
A 1935 agreement where Germany could have 35% the size of the British army
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A piece of land between France & Germany where no military was allowed
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Remilitisation of the Rhineland
In 1935 where Hitler sent troops into the Rhineland
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An union between Germany & Austria in 1938
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The Sudetenland
A ***** of land between Germany & Czeckoslovakia
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Giving a bit of what someone wants in order to avoid conflict
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Anglo-German Agreement
A 1938 agreement where Chamberlain & Hitler agreed not to go to war
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Nazi-Soviet Pact
A 1939 pact where Russia allied with Germany
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A polish port that was attacked on 1st September 1939
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
British Prime minister who wanted a not too harsh treat,ent of Germany in the Treaty of Versailles
Lloyd George
Card 3
President of USA wanted a fair punishment for Germany by giving freedom & introducing the League of Nations

Card 4
14 things USA wanted to do to Germany (Diplomatic, Territorial & League of Nations)

Card 5
A treaty to punish Germany for the cause of World War 1

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