What's the difference between the outer and inner cores?
The outer core is liquid due to heat but the inner core is solid due to pressure
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What are tectonic plates?
Areas of the Earth's crust + upper part of the mantle that move due to convection currents in the mantle
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Why are there convection currents in the mantle layer?
Radioactive decay of atoms heats molten minerals and causes them to rise
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What happens when tectonic plates suddenly slide past each other?
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How did the seas form?
Water vapour from the Earth's atmosphere condensed in hollows in the crust
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What did the first organisms use for energy?
Breakdown of other chemicals
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Where did the oxygen in the Earth's atmosphere come from?
Organisms who evolved to photosynthesise
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What made it possible for animals to develop?
Increase of oxygen in the atmosphere
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What are amino acids made from (mostly)?
Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen
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What was the aim of the Miller-Urey experiment?
To see if amino acids could be created in the early atmosphere
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Why did Miller and Urey use a high-voltage spark and what real-life event does it mimic?
For the energy needed to start a reaction - mimics lightning in storms
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What did Miller and Urey find once their experiment had been running for a week?
A 'brown soup' mixture containing 11 amino acids
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Why do some scientists think the Miller-Urey experiment is invalid?
It only works with the absence of oxygen, which would have been present in the early atmosphere
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What are 2 other theories for why life began on Earth?
Extra-terrestrial seeding (molecules capable of starting life came from outer space e.g. in the Murchison meteorite) or that life developed deep under the oceans
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What is a primordial soup?
A mixture of organic molecules
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What's the biggest difference (in terms of gas composition) between the early atmosphere and ours today?
Today there is a much lower concentration of carbon dioxide (0.04%)
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Where does carbon dioxide taken up during photosynthesis ultimately end up?
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