AQA anthology poetry
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- Created by: ilke1211
- Created on: 27-04-17 10:35
What is "When We Two Parted" about ?
Narrator recalls the day he and his lover parted - seemed to have no affection for him. Although time has passed, even hearing her name affects the narrator deeply, due to her affair with other men. He thinks that he will always feel hurt.
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Grief -The narrator mourns he end of a relationship as though its death. Anger - The narrator seems angry that his lover has broken promises and is having affairs with other men. Regret - He regrets how the relationship turned out , he has suffered.
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What poems is "When We Two Parted" connected to ?
The narrator of "Neutral Tone" is also affected by a painful memory of losing his lover and expresses this loss in terms of death. In contrast the narrator of "Walking Away" comes to terms with a painful memory
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What is "Love's Philosophy" about ?
Narrator is trying to persuade a woman to be with him romantically. Narrator gives examples of how all of nature is connected in a loving way, therefore he believes it is God's law and should be obeyed. He asks the woman to be in a relationship.
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Longing- narrator longs for love. Playfulness- Can be read in a playful way narrator oversimplifies the idea due to natures connections, therefore he and the women should connect as well
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What poems is "Loves Philosophy" connected to ?
"Winter Swans" is another poem that uses natural imagery to express love. Can also ompare sense of longing with the frustration and desire in "Porphyria's Lover" an "The Farmers bride"
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What is "Porphyria's Lover" about ?
A man is in his cottage on a stormy nigt and his lover arrives. She flirts with him but he ignores her seemiong to be upset with her. He decides she loves him and as a result belongs to him. He wants to preserve the moment so strangles her.
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Madness- The speaker is delusional and mentally disturbed. believes porphyria wants to be murdered. Passivity - describes the actions of Porphyria in the first part of poem while the speaker is passive. Sin - Speaker comments God has not punished him
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What poems is "Porphyria's Lover" connected to ?
Longing is also presented in "The Farmer's Bride" as well as "Sonnet 29". "Eden Rock" explores idea of love enduring beyond death
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What is "Sonnet 29" about ?
Narrator tells lover how much she thinks of him when he is not with her. She is worried her thoughts will obscure reality. She reassures herself her thoughts do not compare with reality. She wants him to be a strong presence in her life.
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Longing - Narrator longs physicality rather than thoughts about him. Intensity - She constantly thinks of her lover when they are apart, her language is forceful so it seems he must be with her. Celebration - She takes pleasure in feeling love
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What poems is is "Sonnet 29" connected to ?
In "Singh Song" the relationship is also viewed as fufilling as well as "Climbing My Grandfather". Natural imagery also used to show distance in a relationship in "Letters from Yorkshire" and "Winter Swans"
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What is "Neutral Tones" about ?
Narrator remembers when he and his lover stood at a pond . It was unpleasant memory and it was clear their relationship was coming to an end. The behaviour of his lover on that day was tedious and unloving tone. He still feels hurt by her actions
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Bitterness - Narrator feels bitter about the breakdown of their relationship - he hates the lack of emotion felt by her. Pessimism - Other experiences of love confirm his pessimistic view of love. Dull setting shows lack of hope even in nature
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What poem is "Neutral Tones" connected to ?
"Winter Swans" and "Farmer's Bride" also use imagery of nature to reflect troubled relationship. Power of memory is also significant in "Eden Rock", but is positive rather than negative.
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What is "The Farmers Bride" about ?
A farmer has been married to his bride for three years, but his bride is afraid of him and other men. In the poem he tells how relationship soured, he doesnt question his part in it. He desires his wife and is struggling to resist taking her by force
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Fustration - He wants sexual relationship with her and to have children, she is unwilling and does not talk. Desire - The farmer is clearly attracted to his wife. Fear - The farmer's wife is clearly afraid. Seems there will be an unhappy ending
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What poem is "The Farmers Bride" connected to ?
The farmer's physical desire is similar to that in "Porphyria's Lover" and "Love's Philosophy" Emotional distance is similar to "Neutral Tones" and physical distance is similar to "Sonnet 29"
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What is "Walking Away" about ?
A father remembers watching his son play his first football game. Father feels worried about his son as he watches him walk away uncertainly from him. memory deeply affects father 18 years later he comes to an understanding it is a natural process.
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Protectiveness - Father sees son as vunerable, but understands that he cannot protect him forever he shows love by letting him go. Loss - There is a feeling of loss and sadness yet acknowledgement as "walking away" is a natural process. Reflection
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What poem is "Walking Away" connected to ?
"Climnbing My Grandfather" also features a close significant family relationship. "Mother Any Distance" also shows how children growing up affects their parents.
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What is "Letters From Yorkshire" about ?
A man working his garden, he sees a pair of birds and writes to narrator about it. Yorkshire man lives outside whereas narrator who lives far way lives inside. Considers whether outside life is more fufilling and feels connected to man through letter
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Appreciation - Narrator appreciates the man's way of life. Connection - Narrator feels close to man through letters and man is connected to nature. Longing - Narrator longs for his lifestyle she sees it as romantic and fufilling.
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What poem is "Letters From Yorkshire" connected to ?
The narrator in "Follower" also looks up to someone whose life is connected to nature, and longs to be like them. "Sonnet 29" shows impact of long distance physical relationship as well.
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What is "Eden Rock" about ?
Narrator imagines both his parents are young again.They are both on the bank of a stream and his mother is preparing a picnic. Th narrator is on an opposite bank and his parents are telling him to come over. Narrator dying , parents beckon him.
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Deep and lasting bond - Parents waiting for son. Narrator talks about death fearlessly. Reunited with parents. Nostalgia - Poets fathere died when he was 7 so could be reminicing when they were a family. Peacefulness - Feeling of peace throughout.
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What poem is "Eden Rock" connected to ?
Follower also explores close, lasting bonds between parent/child relationships. There are also vivid chiildhood memories in "Before you were mine"
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What is "Mother Any Distance" about ?
Mother helps him move into new house. She holds tape measure while he walks away with other end, thinks how she cares for him but will have to let go. Narrator looks forward to being independent but also scared. She will always be there for him
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Excitement - Excited about new independence. Fear - Worried by thought of being on his own. Connection - The tape represents strong bond between mother and son. Appreciation - He appreciates her help and security she offered him.
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What poem is "Mother Any Distance" connected to ?
"Walking away" looks at the way how parent and child relationship changes over time. Mother can also be compared to mother in before you were mine.
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What is "Before You Were Mine" about ?
Narrator looks at old photo of mum. Imagines mother when younger, who was free-spirited. Could be taken from mothers own memories. Narrator says that mother happiest ten years before her birth. Remembers mother only like that before her birth.
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Admiration - Narrator admires mothers glamour and headstrong/rebellious approach to life. Nostalgia - Wishes mother to be same as before. Self-criticism - Narrator blames herself for taking away her mother's freedom.
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What poem is "Before You Were Mine" connected to ?
Admiration of mother similar to admiration of father in "Follower". Childhood memories are also important in "Follower" and "Eden Rock"
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What is "Winter Swans" about ?
A couple walk around lake after two day of bad weather. Don't talk and walk apart. Troubled relationship. They stop at sight of swans which tip themselves over but recover. Mood changes due to this. Couple leave lake holding hands. They reconcile.
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Tension - It is clear something has occured between the narrator and his partner as they are very distant. Peace - Feeling of peace towards end of poem. Couple have had their problems but return to each other and are settled in the end.
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What poem is "Winter Swans" connected to ?
Physical and emotional distance similar to that of narrator and lover in "Sonnet 29". "Singh Song" explores fufilling relationships, Nature is also key to "Letters From Yorkshire".
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What is "Singh Song" about ?
Narrator is British indian who works in his dads shop. Just got married and keeps sneaking out to spend time with new wife. She is also indian but is more westernised. Neglects shop duties, customers complain. Shop closes and he tells her his love.
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Love - Narrator is in love and is proud of his wife. He enjoys spending time with her. His wife's online dating agency shows modern love. Rebellion - Wife makes fun of parents which he finds amusing. Narrator also rebels against fathers strict rules
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What poem is "Singh Song" connected to ?
Different attitudes towards parents than "Mother Any distance" and "Follower"Fuffilling romantic relationship similar to "Sonnet 29"
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What is "Climbing My Grandfather" about ?
Narrator imagines climbing his grandad, using a metaphor as himself a climber nad his grandfather a mountain. Narrator may be imagining himself as child playing with his grandad and observing him. Climbing could be metaphor for getting to know him
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What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Inquisitiveness - Speaker has simple child like curiosity about grandad. Seen when he talks about small details. Effort - Narrator makes physical effort to be close to him. Closeness - poet affectionately decribes his grandad. "Smile" shows are close
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What poem is "Climbing My Grandfather" connected to ?
BOnd in poem similar to bond between speaker and parents in "Eden Rock". "Follower also shows child-like love.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?
Grief -The narrator mourns he end of a relationship as though its death. Anger - The narrator seems angry that his lover has broken promises and is having affairs with other men. Regret - He regrets how the relationship turned out , he has suffered.
Card 3
What poems is "When We Two Parted" connected to ?

Card 4
What is "Love's Philosophy" about ?

Card 5
What are feelings and attitudes in the poem ?

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