approaches a03
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- Created by: ThomasMitchellverulamschool
- Created on: 06-04-24 16:27
strength of behaviourism
real life application as it forms the basis of many token economy systems today, like prisons and schools- and to phobias.
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another strength of behaviourist approach
scneintfific credibility- brought methods of natural sciences to pysch, observable behaviour in lab settings- emphaised objectivity and replication so was influential in pysch as a scientific dispiline
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weakness of behaviourism
skinners research is very unethical- faced stressful averse conditions in his box experiment may have affected there response, but conditions were very controlled
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environmentally deterministic
sees behaviour as result of past experience, everything we do is sum of our reinforcement history(skinner)- ignoring free will influence on behaviour, skinner said its an illusion- past experience determines outcome
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mechanistic view of behaviour-machine like responders to enviroment with no concious insight..fails to recognise mental processes- whereas Cognitive approach and SLT do-ppl play an active role in learning- may not apply to human behaviour,
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social learning theory strength
emphaises the importance of cogntive factors is learning, making SLT a more comprehensive explanation of human behaviour. emphaises the role of mediational processes etc
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soft determinism
the slt emphaises how external forces influence us, but we have free will on how to respond to these influences
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accounts for cultural differences and explains how childhood social norms have developed like children imitating a behaviour they see in the media, if they see it to be reinforced.
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banduras experiment underestimated the role of biological factors- in terms of gender differneces. boys were more agressive than girls, regardless of conditiuons. may be explained by hormonal diffrences- testorone- important difference isnt accounted for
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over reliance on lab studies, lab settings often critised for their artfical conditions unlike everyday life- demand characteircs may have been present, children may have responded to this. they were behaving in a way which they thought to be normal
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the cogntive approach strength
has employed rigeerous highly scientific- objective methods always by having researchers make inferences about behaviour- use lab settings to produce reliable data- contrubuting to pysch as a science
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emergence of cogntive neuroscience has had real world applicatiions in that its allowed the two fields of biology and pysch to come toghther allowing mental processes to be understood
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has led to the development of enhancing new technologies lilke AI which have a revolutionary effect- makes some jobs more efficient so it revoluntises the workplace functions- however causes social problems like job loss
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lacks ecological validity so has little application to everyday life- only able to infer processes that are observed in research, suffer from being too abstract and theorectcial in nature- research such as in memory use artifcal tasks, word lists which ma
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less deterministic than other approaches
provides a interactionalist middle ground and is more reasonable than other approaches- founded on soft determnism-cogntive system only operates from what we know(schemas) but we are free to think before responding to a stimulus
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the pyschodynamic approach strength
has explanatory power in explaining how personality develops, abnormal behaviours, moral behaviours and gender- draws between both childhood and are our adult relationships- huge influence on western society contmepary thought, remained dominant force in
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alongside theorectical application, the pyschodyanmic approach also introduced pyschoanalysis-a new form of therapy used widely today when lookin at disorders like depression, it involves..
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carry on
employing a range of techniques to acsess the unconcious such as dream analysis. Pyschoanalysis is the forerunner to many modern day pyschotherapies that have since been established- often critised for being inappropiate on those that have schizophernia.
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suffers from a senstive nature
the pyschodynamic approach is often critised for being heavily sensitive and in some cases absurd so is rarely discussed in non western cultures- sufffers from culture bound differences
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untestable concepts
popper argued that this approach does not meet the needs of scientific criteria like falsification- in the sense that the loose abstract concepts are not open to empircal testing so cant be disproved-many of concepts suggested occur at unconcious level- i
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strength of the biological approach
real life application- because increased understanding of biochemical processes in the brain has led to the development of pyschoactive drugs that treat serious ilnesses like depression- not effective for all patients but have revolutionised treatment for
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why is this is a strength
suffers are able to manage their condition to live a relatively normal life rather than remaining in a hospital.
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uses scientific methods of investigation- in order to invetsigate biological and genetic basis of behaviour- makes use of a range of highly objective and scientific methods FMRIS EEGs, family and twin studies. not open to bias, so is a reliable data appro
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its both reductionalist and deterministic
everything has a biological cause which we have no control of, implications for the legal system and wider society- one of rules of law is that criminals are morally responsible for their action(free will)- but discovery of criminal gene may complicate th
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cannot seperate between nature and nurture
draws casual conclusions
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humanistic approach
a positive approach in that it advocates holsim rather than reductionalism, all other approaches are heavily reductionalist-cogntive approach sees humans as passive information processing machines
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offers a refreshing alternative view
where humans can only be understood by wider contexts and that we have free will to work towards self actualisation- may have more validity as it considers human behaviour in meaningful real world contexts
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uses untestable concepts
includes a range of loose abstract concepts like congurance and self actualisation which are problematic to test under scientific conditions- lacks empircal evidience- so is an anti scientific approach- little impact on dispiline of pysch as a whole
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cultural bias between indivoidualistic and collectivist cultures
Uk and india
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Rogerian therapy has revoluntisd counselling
and maslows hierachy of needs has been used to explain why motivation exists
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
another strength of behaviourist approach
scneintfific credibility- brought methods of natural sciences to pysch, observable behaviour in lab settings- emphaised objectivity and replication so was influential in pysch as a scientific dispiline
Card 3
weakness of behaviourism

Card 4
environmentally deterministic

Card 5

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