Participants describe their thoughts, feelings/sensations and mental images in response to a stimulus. This is recorded and analysed systematically.
2 of 11
Which biological theory includes the idea that human behaviour developed as part of an adaptive process- where behaviours which boost reproductive fitness have been selected for?
3 of 11
Order these chronologically: Skinner, cognitive neuroscience , Freud, Rogers, Bandura, cognitive approach, biopsychology.
Who is the key theorist in social learning theory?
6 of 11
Name 2 humanists
Rogers, Maslow
7 of 11
What was Freud's approach called?
Psychoanalysis/ Psychodynamic approach
8 of 11
What is psychoanalyis?
examining hidden conflicts in the sub-conscious mind
9 of 11
What does behaviourism study?
the relationship between stimulus and behaviour
10 of 11
What does the cognitive approach study (which B's don't)?
Cognition- the meditational process between stimulus and behaviour
11 of 11
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Outline 'Introspection'
Participants describe their thoughts, feelings/sensations and mental images in response to a stimulus. This is recorded and analysed systematically.
Card 3
Which biological theory includes the idea that human behaviour developed as part of an adaptive process- where behaviours which boost reproductive fitness have been selected for?
Card 4
Order these chronologically: Skinner, cognitive neuroscience , Freud, Rogers, Bandura, cognitive approach, biopsychology.
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